Driving Sustainable Finance: SFB partners with UNDP to deliver a sustainable finance workshop at KFH, a global pioneer in Islamic Finance.


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SFB partners with the UNDP Sustainable Finance Hub and Kuwait Finance House (KFH)to advance the integration of sustainability into business practices. 

This expert workshop brought together SFB’s expertise in sustainable finance, the UNDP Sustainable Finance Hub’s global network, and KFH’s award-winning Islamic banking prowess to drive positive change and create a more sustainable future.

At a time when the need for sustainable business practices has never been more pressing, this collaboration between SFB, UNDP Sustainable Finance Hub, and KFH signals a powerful commitment to driving sustainable finance at a global scale. 

The UNDP Sustainable Finance Hub, a global champion for sustainable finance, offers its extensive network and expertise in shaping policy frameworks and mobilizing stakeholders. Kuwait Finance House (KFH), an internationally acclaimed Islamic bank, contributes innovative Islamic finance solutions and a longstanding commitment to responsible banking. SFB, a leader in sustainability services, brings its vast experience in guiding businesses toward sustainable growth.

SFB invites financial institutions, businesses, and stakeholders who share our vision of a sustainable world to engage in more partnership and capacity-building. 

Together, we can drive the transformation of business practices, unlock new opportunities, and build a prosperous and sustainable future.

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