Leverage AI for sustainable growth

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Reasons to leverage AI to accelerate sustainable business growth.

Timely and trusted data is the lifeblood of sustainability efforts. This information provides visibility into an organization’s operations, enables leaders see how they are meeting sustainability targets, and fuels the decisions that help companies make a difference–and drive sustainable growth.

Here are a few reasons and facts to seriously consider AI in your sustainability workflow.

Reason 1.

The sheer volume and complexity of sustainability data make AI and automation invaluable for progress. These tools create opportunities for improvement across the enterprise and throughout value chains.

Reason 2

AI tools can convert opacity into actionable clarity.
Enterprises can tap these exponential technologies for transformational change at speed and scale.

Reason 3

They allow you to accelerate, scale impact, and drive efficiencies for improved sustainability and business outcomes.

Reason 4

AI accelerates the conversion of data into relevant and reliable sustainability insights. To drive real improvement, sustainability data and metrics need to be embedded in core operations, processes, and workflows to inform real-time decision-making. It is through these data-enabled actions that sustainability strategies are brought to life.

Fact 1

77% of CEOs pursuing transformational sustainability expect workflows to
leverage AI automation by 2025, and 46% of executives view AI as important for advancing their companies sustainability reporting and performance efforts.

Fact 2

Sustainability goals rank in the top tier of action items for executives, but progress toward these goals continues to be limited. While 95% of organizations have developed operational ESG propositions, only 10% have made significant progress toward their goals. What is standing in the way? Executives cite inadequate data.

Reason 5

With sustainability data embedded into operations, companies can assess current sustainability goals, credibly estimate the ROI of sustainability initiatives, and manage compliance and risks.

Reason 6

Transparent sustainability insights can also be shared with stakeholders and help organizations strengthen relationships. It can build trust with customers, employees, and partners, create new market opportunities, and support innovation and engagement.

Fact 3

Leaders are 58% more likely than laggards to develop hybrid cloud capabilities for ESG, 33% more likely to make significant progress with AI for ESG, and more than twice as likely to make significant progress in using advanced analytics for ESG. They are also 79% more likely to make progress in using automation for ESG.

Are you ready to consider AI in your sustainability workflow.  Reach out to find out how we can help you.


Source: IBM IBV CEO 2022 study.

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Reasons to leverage AI to accelerate sustainable business growth.

Timely and trusted data is the lifeblood of sustainability efforts. This information provides visibility into an organization’s operations, enables leaders see how they are meeting sustainability targets, and fuels the decisions that help companies make a difference–and drive sustainable growth.

Here are a few reasons and facts to seriously consider AI in your sustainability workflow.

Reason 1.

The sheer volume and complexity of sustainability data make AI and automation invaluable for progress. These tools create opportunities for improvement across the enterprise and throughout value chains.

Reason 2

AI tools can convert opacity into actionable clarity.
Enterprises can tap these exponential technologies for transformational change at speed and scale.

Reason 3

They allow you to accelerate, scale impact, and drive efficiencies for improved sustainability and business outcomes.

Reason 4

AI accelerates the conversion of data into relevant and reliable sustainability insights. To drive real improvement, sustainability data and metrics need to be embedded in core operations, processes, and workflows to inform real-time decision-making. It is through these data-enabled actions that sustainability strategies are brought to life.

Fact 1

77% of CEOs pursuing transformational sustainability expect workflows to
leverage AI automation by 2025, and 46% of executives view AI as important for advancing their companies sustainability reporting and performance efforts.

Fact 2

Sustainability goals rank in the top tier of action items for executives, but progress toward these goals continues to be limited. While 95% of organizations have developed operational ESG propositions, only 10% have made significant progress toward their goals. What is standing in the way? Executives cite inadequate data.

Reason 5

With sustainability data embedded into operations, companies can assess current sustainability goals, credibly estimate the ROI of sustainability initiatives, and manage compliance and risks.

Reason 6

Transparent sustainability insights can also be shared with stakeholders and help organizations strengthen relationships. It can build trust with customers, employees, and partners, create new market opportunities, and support innovation and engagement.

Fact 3

Leaders are 58% more likely than laggards to develop hybrid cloud capabilities for ESG, 33% more likely to make significant progress with AI for ESG, and more than twice as likely to make significant progress in using advanced analytics for ESG. They are also 79% more likely to make progress in using automation for ESG.

Are you ready to consider AI in your sustainability workflow.  Reach out to find out how we can help you.


Source: IBM IBV CEO 2022 study.